TPNRD Water Data Program
What is the Water Data Program?
- The TPNRD works with GiSC, local well drilling companies, ethos Connected, Environmental Sciences Associates (ESA) and Olsson for the Water Data Program. There is no cost to the grower for this Water Data Program.
- Growers who irrigate sign up with GiSC. GiSC will provide the grower real time information through an online dashboard called AgHub. Working with GiSC and electrical providers will automate calculations to provide growers with real time water use data. Growers that do not have electrical wells, will connect using an ethos devices that connects using a LoRaWan network, which will also automate calculations for growers with real time water use data. Only the grower, or those they give permission to, will have access to their own dashboard.
- GiSC will provide regular aggregate reports of the water use within the TPNRD. The data from the water use report will be used in computer models. These reports will include, for each field served by a well, a minimum of a legal description, crop type, type of tillage, and the water pumped by the well. Grower’s names will not be included in these aggregate reports.
- The TPNRD believes that this Water Data Program, with additional projects, will successfully meet the requirements of the TPNRD IMP Second Increment.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Who can use this program?
- Growers who have ground water irrigated acres in the Twin Platte NRD.
What is the goal of this program?
- The goal of this program is to utilize technology to provide efficient and easily accessible ground water use data to TPNRD growers. This information will create accurate water models that will be provided to the state in an attempt to maintain a healthier aquifer. The goal is to prove to the state that TPNRD's growers are already doing their best at reducing their water use.
How do I create an account?
- To create an account, start at this link and it will walk you through the process. You may also stop into the TPNRD office and the staff would be glad to help. If you are trying to sign up on your own and are in need of assistance, GiSC has created several demonstration videos.
Is this program required?
- This Water Data Program is not required, however, it is highly recommended. This program is a tool that will not only benefit the TPNRD but its producers as well. It is voluntary as of now, and is the alternative to regulations.
How do I get the flow rate of my well tested?
- Several well drillers have contracts with the TPNRD for this program. Please contact one of them, and the TPNRD will pay for the cost of the flow rate test, but only if the tests are done during the months of July, August, and September.
Do I need to do anything after I register?
- If you have made changes from a diesel to electric well or made any changes to your acres, please update your information on your portal. The password information was created when you first selected your acres and signed up. If you signed up at a TPNRD open house, we provided a tan or bright pink colored card for you to store your password information.
- After planting, please change the crop types and tillage for each registered field on your online portal.
When will information start being collected?
- As soon as irrigation begins, log onto your account portal to view the data that has been collected. TPNRD is partnering with several agencies to make sure all of the pieces are connected to provide real time data for the grower.
- As long as your electrical provider is sharing your pumping information, the automatic calculations will begin.
For More Information:
Want to know more?
Watch this video with Kent Miller, General Manager of TPNRD; Billy Tiller, CEO of GiSC; and Roric Paulman, a grower in the TPNRD who has worked with and is an advocate for the GiSC Program.