Well Abandonment
Why Do I need to properly abandon my well?
Wells that are not properly abandoned can cause very serious issues. It is highly discouraged and illegal for a producer to abandon a well without taking the proper precautions. Leaving unused wells open can cause pollution of ground water. A well is a great way to retract clean water but is also a way to quickly contaminate clean water; as chemicals go down the well, they will bypass the intricate filtering system the soil offers.
How do I properly abandon my well?
First you must contact TPNRD directly to gain information on the well abandonment program. After filling out the application, you will be given paperwork for the well driller to complete after they have abandoned your well. You must sign off on the paper and return it, along with a copy of the bill, to the TPNRD to be reimbursed for the cost-share amount. Having a licensed well driller is the only way to ensure a safe well abandonment.