2024 Chemigation Certification Trainings
In the Twin Platte Natural Resources District Area:
State regulations require at least one certified chemigation applicator, along with their certification number and expiration date, to be listed on each chemigation permit approved annually by the Natural Resources District.
If you plan to chemigate during 2024, you will need to attend a training session and pass a test, or do the training and testing online, to become re-certified.
If you plan to become certified and wish to attend an in-person training, please pre-register at the Extension Office whose training session you plan to attend. On the day of the training session, please bring your Chemigation Training Manual, Calibration Workbook, No. 2 pencil, and calculator along to use during the training and test. Training and testing will take approximately 2-3 hours.
2024 In-Person Chemigation Trainings conducted by Chuck Burr:
January 17 1:00 pm CT WCREC, 402 W State Farm Rd, North Platte 308/696-6783
January 24 1:00 pm CT Courthouse, Stapleton 308/696-6783
January 30 1:00 pm MT Fairgrounds, Ogallala 308/696-6783
April 11 9:00 am CT WCREC, 402 W State Farm Rd, North Platte 308/696-6783
A link to the online training program along with directions can be accessed at the bottom of the page at:
This certification, along with the chemigation permit(s) and properly working antipollution equipment, are necessary for each location before injecting fertilizer or other agricultural chemicals into an irrigation system.
Chemigation certification lasts for four years. Contact the TPNRD office to obtain permits or to arrange for an inspection.